For your convenience, our most common customer questions are answered right here.
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Q: What exactly is OnCallDental?
A: OnCallDental is a call-in service that allows you to get your questions answered 24/7. Unsure if your office is up-to-date with new regulations? Call us. Want to know where you can access a Board Inspection checklist? Call us. Not sure the correct way to dismiss a patient? Call us. Whatever your dental needs, we are here to get you the answers you need.
Q: How much does OnCallDental cost?
A: OnCallDental offers monthly and yearly packages. Think you’ll only need us a few times? Buy a month of service for just $39.99. Want the peace of mind that we are always there for you? Grab a year-long package for just $199.99.
Q: Why would I ever need this service?
A: How often do you ever find yourself worrying that your office is not up-to-date or compliant with all the ever-changing laws and regulations? Do your assistants and staff constantly ask you questions that you just don’t know the answer to? Wouldn’t it be nice that every time you or your staff needed some advice or just finally get the right information, you could just pick up the phone and ask? That is why you need OnCallDental.